Yesterday I was visiting my friend's site, and i found something so useful for your blog.
now let’s do it, don’t worry, i know that must of you tried to add it to blogger blogs, with no result, but today you’ll see how to add it in really easy steps and it’s 100% working. but please be careful and pay attention for all the details.
This tutorial is updated.
Step 1. Disable Default Comments.
The first thing you should do it to disable blogger default comments. because you don’t want to have 2 comments forms.go to your blogger account, navigate to settings >> comments
and next to comments field choose Hide, then scroll down and click Save Settings
Step 2. Generate your Facebook App ID.
now you should generate your own facebook app id, it’s really easy and one step process,just go to this page, facebook developers
then click + Set Up New Application
enter your application name, ( you can type any name )
and check agree and click Create Application
then click on Connect tab (on the left tabs-list) or see the next image.
Connect URL : Enter your blog url and you must enter it with an ending dash. (for example: .
Base Domain you must type
then click strong>agree and click Save Changes
on the next page facebook will generate you alot of info. you’ll need only one line, it’s App ID:
just copy it and keep any where, we’ll need it in the next steps. please see the following image to see where you’ll find your facebook App ID:.
Step 3. Codes To Add To Your Template.
you must add the following codes to your blogger template to ensure that the comments box will work for your blog in the right way.and in this step we’ll add the following codes,
- xmlns attribute
- SDK script
- Open Graph protocol tags
- Adding the xmlns attribute :
then find the following code,
you’ll find it on the top of your code. second or third line, and after it add the following code,
you must type a space before it and after it,
here is an example.
- Adding the SDK script Code :
and after it add the following code,
but please don’t forget to change YOUR APP ID to your app id ( you got it in the previous step ).
- Adding the Open Graph protocol tags:
and change the colored text to the following,
Change MY-SITE-NAME with the one you want to appear when a user likes a page. (Gil likes Helping on Facebook)
Change…/blogger_logo.gif with your blog logo, or remove the all tag if you don’t want it.
Change YOUR-APP-ID with your application ID number.
Change YOUR-FACEBOOK-PROFILE-ID with your own facebook user profile ID.
after making this changes add the above code just before
now we finished adding the facebook codes to your template, please don’t touch anything and continue to the next step.
Step 5. Adding the Comments Box to your blogger template.
please find the following code. and after it, please paste the following code.
To change the width of your comments box, please change 450 to what ever you want, it’s in pixels,
and now please click Save Template , then check your blog. i wish it looks great and works perfectly.
Demo and Credits.
to see a demo for this comments box in live blogger blog please click here.please don’t remove my link or name from this widget, i worked so hard to make it easy and simple with this great features.
leaving my link, encourage me to provide you with more and more tutorials like this.
warning, if you have facebook like button installed on your blog please remove it before applying this tutorials.
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